Springer es una editorial científica mundialmente reconocida con más de 2,900 revistas y más de 300,000 libros. En este momento de cuarentena ha puesto a disposición 500 libros para descarga gratuita en formato PDF. He revisado la lista completa y seleccioné 30 libros relacionados con la psicología, neurociencias e investigación. Para descargarlos solamente tienes que hacer click al titulo que más te interese que está más abajo. Si quieres revisar la lista completa puedes visitar la página de Springer.
- Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior
- Psychology, religion and spirituality
- International Perspectives on Psychotherapy
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- LGBT-Parent Families
- Handbook of LGBT Elders
- Psychology of Perception
- A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response
- The Psychology of Social Status
- Handbook of Marriage and the Family
- Foundations of Behavioral Health
- Psychoeducational Assessment and Report Writing
- Evidence-Based Interventions for Children with Challenging Behavior
- Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work
- Social Psychology in Action
- Group Theory
- Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education
- Clinical Methods in Medical Family Therapy
- Evidence-Based Critical Care
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data
- The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
- SPSS for Starters and 2nd Levelers
- A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Fundamentals of Clinical Trials
- Sustainability Science
- Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education
- The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease